Complying with your petroleum permit

In this section you can find out more about the main reporting requirements for petroleum permits.

The Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations set out what reports and records are required to be kept and submitted to us.

Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007 —

Our regulations establish format requirements for electronic documents sent to us.

Petroleum digital data submission standards 2022 [PDF 286KB]

Annual reports

The purpose of an annual summary report is for permit/licence holders to report on permit activities and their engagement with iwi and hapū over the past year. They are due on 31 March each year.

Annual review meetings

Petroleum permit holders may be required to attend annual review meetings to discuss their permits each year.

Obligations and compliance

NZP&M introduced business practices relating to compliance for annual reporting, technical reporting, payment of annual fees, royalty payments and work programme obligations.

Decommissioning of petroleum infrastructure and wells

Petroleum exploration and mining permit and licence holders must carry out decommissioning activities and meet the full financial cost of those activities.

Find a summary about what is required and by when. For more detailed information see the legislation.