Core sampling terms and conditions

This page gives information about how to sample core at our national Core Store in Featherston.

It has information on how to make a request to sample core, the terms and conditions that apply to sampling and viewing, the treatment of thin section slides and sample residues generated from the analyses and testing of those samples, and the preparation and submission of reports.

On this page:

Most of the core samples have been photographed which means you can do an initial online examination before sampling. Images are available for download through the Geodata Catalogue.

Geodata Catalogue

Requesting an initial sample

You must request to do a sampling at the Core Store.

To do this, at least 48 hours’ before you plan to do the sampling:

  1. Fill out the Core Store Sampling/viewing form below.
  2. Send it to us at

Core Store sampling/viewing form [XLS 118KB]

We may give access to applicants who have given less than 48 hours’ notice in exceptional circumstances.

On the form you must let us know:

  1. The number and type of samples to be removed from the Core Store and the planned analyses or testing you want to do on those samples. You should detail all the relevant information on the analysis or testing to be done, including who will be doing it and whether the samples will be destroyed by the testing.
  2. Whether you intend to remove the samples from the Core Store. If you fail to let us know this, you may not be able to remove the samples on the day.
  3. Why you want to conduct the analysis in relation to advancing the prospectivity of New Zealand. If you cannot show what the benefits are, you may not get approval.

Once you have submitted the form to us, we will contact you to let you know if you have approval for sampling.

Sampling at the Core Store

You can sample core at the Core Store if you have pre-approval.

This is subject to the sampling restrictions set out in the section below. They set the general conditions on sampling that must be followed, unless otherwise agreed by us. The conditions require that only non-destructive testing can be done by applicants, or testing may only be done if it does not duplicate previous studies and would provide new geological insight.

This is also subject to any additional conditions imposed by us, which may include:

  • if you want to sample a particularly valuable or limited core, such as sidewall core, that a geologist from NZP&M be present to supervise.
  • that all applications for sampling by students be made on their behalf by their supervisor or another employee of the University. The University employee will be held responsible for the sampling and reporting. It is advisable that the student’s supervisor be present at the time of sample removal.
  • that all relevant sample material including thin sections, offcuts and residues be returned to the Core Store for archiving at the time of submitting the report (in accordance with the section on submission of reports, below).

Sampling restrictions

The following restrictions and minimum sample retentions apply to our ability to grant access to certain samples.

Core (includes full, half-round, slabbed and sidewall)

  1. 1/4 continuous linear length of core must be retained for long term archive.
  2. Rubble from the core tray must be used first.
  3. If more material is needed, slivers may be taken along the length of the core provided more than 1/4 is left. Samples may not be taken across the width of the core.
  4. If core plugs are required, these must be as small as possible and not intersect the 1/4 of continuous linear length core that is to be retained.
  5. Any material not destroyed during analysis must be returned to the Core Store.

Cuttings (washed)

  1. Samples must be a maximum of 10g or 1 teaspoon unless prior approval has been given. Combinations of adjacent samples may be necessary if a certain volume is needed.
  2. A minimum of 100g must be retained for archive. Where the initial sample submission is less than 100g, a minimum of 1/3 of initial submission weight is retained.
  3. Any material not destroyed during analysis must be returned to the Core Store.

Cuttings (unwashed)

  1. No more than 20% of the holding can be taken.
  2. A minimum of 100g must be retained for archive. Where the initial sample submission is less than 100g, a minimum of 1/3 of initial submitted weight is retained.
  3. Any material not destroyed during analysis must be returned to the Core Store.

Submission of reports, prepared samples or residues

The requirements for core analysis reports received under a current permit are set out in Regulation 48 of the Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007.

Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007 – Regulation 48 —

For other sample analysis reports, such as fluid inclusion, zircon or core analysis not related to a specific permit, you are required to submit both a full report and a redacted report on the analysis and return any samples, residues or thin section within 6 months of the initial removal of the samples from the Core Store.

The redacted report must specifically exclude any interpretation and references to the sampling applicant. It must include raw analytical data and sample derivatives such as thin section slides.

The following conditions apply to the submission of these reports:

  1. Where you can show that analysis could not reasonably be done within 6 months of initial removal of the samples from the Core Store, we may grant you a reasonable extension of your time to submit your reports.
  2. The analysis you do must be as originally approved, unless otherwise agreed with us.
  3. Reports must be submitted in digital form as PDF documents. Any tabular data within the report must be submitted as a delimited ASCII file.
    More details about digital submission requirements can be found on our website:
    Technical reporting
  4. All reports must say what has happened to any residues of prepared slides. For example, when they were returned, or are planned to be returned to the Core Store, or if they were destroyed in the analysis process. Prepared slides (thin section and Paleo) must be submitted to us for archiving.

Confidentiality of reports

The confidentiality period of reports received under a current permit is set out in the Crown Minerals Act 1991 and the Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Regulations 2007.

For reports that are not related to a specific permit:

  1. The full report shall be held by us and will not be made publicly available for 5 years from the date of sampling unless required to under the Official Information Act 1982, parliamentary practice (including parliamentary question time), any minister of the Crown or Select Committee.
  2. The redacted report shall be held by us and will not be made publicly available for 2 years from the date of sampling unless required to under the Official Information Act 1982, parliamentary practice (including parliamentary question time), any minister of the Crown or Select Committee.
  3. If samples from the same well/formation are requested by other non-permit holders for the same destructive testing, they will in the first instance be referred to the previous redacted report and raw data even if the 2 year confidentiality period has not expired.

Where permission has been sought by an applicant and granted by us to exceed a minimum sample retention set out in the Sampling Restrictions below, the full report and data relating to the sample may be made publicly available when submitted to us. This is to ensure public access to testing results and data where duplication of such testing is not practicable due to low availability of sample weights or lengths.

Contact us

For further information contact us through our web page:

Contact us

The Core Store

31-41 Birdwood Street
Featherston, 5710

Last updated:
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