Feedback, complaints and enquiries
If you would like to make a complaint, or provide feedback, comments or any questions please use the form below.
The form below allows you to:
- make a complaint about us
- provide feedback or comments
- ask us a question.
If you would like us to respond to you, please make sure you provide a valid email address when you complete the form. The email address you provide will only be used to respond to your query.
If you prefer, you can also send your feedback by email to
Making a complaint about us
We strive to act in line with our core principles, being:
- transparent and consistent
- targeted
- fair, reasonable and proportionate
- collaborative and responsive.
If you don’t believe we have acted in this way, or you want to make another complaint to us, you can do so using the web form. We are committed to reviewing complaints quickly and effectively with a focus on early resolution, prompt timeframes and keeping complainants up to date with our progress.
Our principle of acting in a fair and consistent way reinforces the need to take a common sense approach to resolving issues.
We monitor complaints made and endeavour to learn from our mistakes. These lessons further our knowledge of the regulatory environment and lead to improvements in our services.
We welcome suggestions for improvements and positive feedback.