Land available for minerals applications

Land that has recently become available for minerals applications.

The following report provides notification of land available for mineral permit applications. The report is updated fortnightly, to provide timely information on new minerals opportunities across New Zealand.

Find out more about the permit history and exact location of the permit by entering the permit ID and viewing the permit document in the Online Permitting System.

Online Permitting System

See if the relinquished areas are still open ground for permitting with the minerals permit webmap by cross referencing the location of the permit from the online permitting system and webmaps.

Minerals Permit Webmap

Land status decisions made on Friday 5 July 2024

The next round of land status decisions will be made on 19 July 2024.

Mineral group Permit ID Permit type Relinquish reason Relinquish date Onshore
Area Minerals Location (Region) Allocation method
Metallic 60693 Prospecting Surrendered 19/06/2024 Onshore 369.86 SQKM All Metallic Southland AWPO
Metallic 60694 Exploration Surrendered 20/06/2024 Onshore 2037.91 ha Copper, Gold, Nickel, Platinum Group Elements Southland AWPO
Metallic/Non-Metallic 60538 Prospecting Expired 10/10/2023 Onshore 149.59 SQKM All Non-Metallic and Metallic Minerals (excluding Uranium) West Coast AWPO

Current Newly Available Acreage (NAA) rounds

NAA ID Mineral group Prior permit ID Land area Region Open date Close date


Applications over Newly Available Acreage (NAA) must be received within the specified 40 working day contest round.

More information about NAA applications and how to apply:

Guidance on making applications for Newly Available Acreage (NAA) [PDF 341KB]

Last updated:
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