Geodata Catalogue
The Geodata Catalogue (the Catalogue) is a collection of free geoscience exploration data and reports, collected by permit holders and the government.
On this page:
- About the Catalogue
- Downloading data and using RealMe
- User guide
- Terms of use
- Online submissions
- Acknowledgment
About the Catalogue
The Geodata Catalogue is a free, public service available to anyone, anywhere. It contains reports and data relating to petroleum, minerals and coal exploration and is organised into datasets under three data types:
- reports
- surveys
- boreholes
All data is discoverable without needing to log in. The Catalogue’s search engine allows you to rapidly narrow down search results by filtering on the properties of the different data types. This means you can quickly find the information you are after.
The Catalogue is supported by a Geodata Map. This is an interactive map which allows you to visually explore datasets, which you can then download from the Catalogue.
Downloading data
All data stored in the Catalogue is free to download.
Reports and data associated with a dataset (report, survey or borehole) are available for download as file resources.
If you are experiencing incomplete downloads, please contact us at nzpam@mbie.govt.nz.
Using RealMe
If you want to download data, you will need to register to use the Catalogue using a RealMe® account.
RealMe is a secure online login and identity service. You don't need to be a New Zealand citizen to register for a RealMe account.
To get a RealMe login you will be asked to provide an email address, a username and password, contact details, and security questions.
There are two levels of RealMe login. RealMe verified is a RealMe login account with additional security features to verify the identity of the account holder. The Geodata Catalogue does not require a RealMe verfied account.
The following link explains the difference between a RealMe login and a RealMe verified account.
Note: You do not need a verified identity or address to use the Catalogue.
User guide
Check out our Geodata Catalogue User Guide for instructions, tips and tricks for how to find the information you need.
Terms of use
Data available through the Geodata Catalogue and Map includes:
- data released under the Crown Minerals Act 1991
- data collected by the government.
- NZP&M makes no express or implied warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the data or information, nor its suitability for any purpose. Errors are inevitably part of any database, and can arise by a number of means, from errors during field data collection, to errors during data entry.
- NZP&M makes no warranties or representations as to possible infringement upon copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others in the data or information.
- NZP&M will not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, losses or expenses howsoever arising and relating to use, or lack of use, of the data or information supplied.
For more information on copyright see:
Copyright — New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals
Online submissions
If you are a permit holder, you can submit your data to us online. For instructions on how to do this, please email data.submissions@mbie.govt.nz.
Use of the foundational Geoscience Data Modernisation Project source code is by courtesy of the State of Queensland, Australia through the Department of Resources.