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Proposed Minerals strategy to 2040

The Government is proposing a draft Minerals Strategy to enable a long-term, strategic approach to how we develop our mineral resources (other than petroleum).

Regulator’s Update – March 2024

In this issue: Snapshot of minerals permit applications, new specific royalty rates, minerals permitting improvement programme underway, reminder for annual summary reports, tier 1 permit holders and iwi engagement reports, Block Offer 2020 results.

Regulator’s Update – December 2023

In this issue: A quarterly snapshot of minerals permit applications, changes to the Crown Minerals Act, tips for submitting annual summary reports in 2024, NZ’s 2022 mining statistics, minimum mining rates letter to permit holders and OPS upgrade.

The Regulator’s Update – September 2023

In this issue: A snapshot of minerals permit applications, changes to the Crown Minerals Act pass into law, introducing our new National Manager, new minimum mining rates compliance letter, tender closes on Block Offer 2020 and more.

Regulator’s Update – December

In this issue of the Regulator’s Update: Crown Minerals Amendment Bill introduced, give your feedback to help with minerals permit application processing, make Annual Summary Reports easy in 2023, new enforcement tools and how they’ll be used, and more.

Crown Minerals Amendment Bill introduced

The Government has introduced a Bill to better align the Crown Minerals Act 1991 (CMA) with wider Government policy objectives.

Submissions on the Bill are open now and close on 23 January 2023.

Regulator's Update – September 2022

In this issue of the Regulator's Update: Upcoming changes to royalty rates, tips for preparing applications, petroleum reserves data, a new Exploration Database coming soon, help us improve the website and more.

The Regulator’s Update — March 2022

Welcome to the March issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Annual summary reports due 31 March, Iwi engagement is an important part of the permitting process and the Energy Hui with iwi in Taranaki – January 2022.

The Regulator’s Update — October 2021

Welcome to the October issue of the Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Consultation on proposed infringement offences for minerals and petroleum permit holders, update on the proposed regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, compliance team West Coast visits, update on the Tui project, speeding up the minerals application process and minimum mining production rates for minerals permits.

The Regulator’s Update — July 2021

Welcome to the July issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill introduced, consultation opens on proposed decommissioning regulations, survey of industrial rocks and minerals, minerals permit application volumes, ASRs wrap up, annual review meetings for Tier 1 permit holders and fees and royalties due.